Bring Back the Poll Tax!-The GOP War on Voting Rights

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In Bring Back the Poll Tax! —The GOP War on Voting Rights, Political analyst Earl Ofari Hutchinson presents a grim and gloomy assessment of how, why, and by what means the GOP has waged a ruthless, no-holds-barred war to massively restrict voting in America. Hutchinson surveys the history of the ploys, laws, and barriers the GOP has thrown up. He assesses the history of voting rights suppression and disenfranchisement of Blacks and minorities from the days of the Jim Crow poll taxes and literacy tests to the non-stop GOP assault on the 1965 Voting Rights Act. 


Bring Back the Poll Tax! —The GOP War on Voting Rights presents a comprehensive analysis of the fact and fiction of vote fraud in America. Hutchinson details the steps that are, have, and can be taken to combat the GOP’s bogus voter suppression scare campaign.


Hutchinson sounds a clarion call that nothing less than the right of every citizen to fully enjoy the fruit of America’s democratic political process is on the line in this high-stakes war. Bring Back the Poll Tax! —The GOP War on Voting Rights

 is a primer on what and how citizens can fight to preserve their most fundamental American right. That’s their right to vote


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